
General Tips

a man working at a work table
  • First impressions are critical and almost impossible to undo.
  • Dress professionally and appropriately; ask what the proper attire is of the interview Co-Ordinator, business casual is for current employees not always candidates.
  • Have a 2 minute summary of who you are and what you do, practiced and polished.
  • Turn off your cell phone.
  • Try not to schedule multiple interviews on the same day in case the first group asks you to stay longer than they projected to meet other team members.
  • Don’t get into long conversations on family details, work gossip, etc. Keep it professional.
  • Ask for a business card as you exit. Thank people for their time, and ask for the job in closing (if you really want it).

Answer Their Questions

  • Listen to the questions you are asked and answer them!
  • Be concise; try not to go off on a tangent or veer from the question you were asked.
  • If you remember something pertinent add it to the conversation when appropriate.
  • Beware of the question “what would you like to make for salary?” Avoid getting plugged into a specific salary. Tell them you are flexible based on responsibilities and would like to be paid appropriately for the position.
  • Try to keep the word “I” to a minimum. This is not easy when you are talking about yourself.

Ask Your Own Questions

  • Make sure you answer their questions asked first before you ask your questions. Once you have answered their questions, work your questions into the mix.
  • Suggested questions to ask:
    • What is a normal day is like for you at the company?
    • What do you think the top three priorities are for this position?
    • How would we interact (daily, informally, weekly, formally, scheduled meetings, etc.)?
    • Do you like to be updated on projects by email, phone, or in person?
    • How long you have worked here and why do you like working here?
  • Do not ask salary and benefit questions unless they broach the subject, and then stay general.

Situational Tips

Interviewing in Person

  • When time permits drive the route ahead of time.
  • Arrive 10 minutes prior to the interview.
  • If traffic causes you a problem that will make you late, call the person who set up the interview and give them a reasonable projected arrival time.
  • If lunch or dinner is part of the process let them order first. Do not have an alcoholic beverage unless the manager insists. We strongly suggest having only one drink if they have already ordered a drink for themselves. If you don’t drink, let them know that.
  • Bring extra resumes in case your original was misplaced.

Interviewing Online

  • Check your real or virtual background and make sure it is appropriate.
  • Make sure you can get on line and log into the meeting early.
  • Write out a script as a reminder of what you want to cover in the call.
  • Have your resume, any related information, job description, company information printed. Have paper and pen available to take notes and write down anything important.
  • Have a glass of water available just in case you get hoarse.